Instruments of destruction unedited
Instruments of destruction unedited

Explain that to kids, when you are talking to the Wesley Shaeffers and the Micheal Termeals out there, it really opens their eyes and they become very receptive. Something profoundly different is happening here. If on the other hand, I sit in a video game and instead of interacting with another human being, I shoot and shoot and shoot endless thousands of rounds with no discipline, no interaction with another human being, no repercussions, no ramifications, just a simple set of conditioned responses is being set into me. Tiger cubs, kittens, puppies, bear cubs maul and play and roll at one another. I have done the same kind of play, if you will, that every species does. In the end, what have I done? Well, I have learned about interacting with other human beings. He says, "No, you didn't", and I hit him over the head with my little toy gun. When you play with guns, which a lot of parents don't believe in, understand that it is far less dangerous if I am,for instance, playing guns with Billy. Now, this is totally different than playing, "Bang, bang, I got you". Now they achieve a level, a significant portion of them, achieve a level of understanding that it is not right to play about killing other human beings. They understand that it is not right for them to play with guns. Most of the kids understand how terribly destructive violence is. But what is happening is the mental equivalent of putting an assault rifle in the hands of every child in America.

instruments of destruction unedited

That is what I testified about in the McVey case. The military and the law enforcement communities around the world use these mechanisms to enable violence with great care and caution. They truly are functioning at a far more dangerous level. At some moment down the line, it has a potential to come back out again and it represents a threat to everybody associated with that individual. But if I give you this tremendous capacity to use that gun, as a form of operative conditioning, I can not lock that up. If I give you a gun, I can take that gun back away and lock it up. We most definitely need to be careful about indiscriminately giving to children, the mental instruments of destruction. In the same way, we don't give you the physical instruments of destruction." You would call the police if you knew he was running around with his own gun and rightfully so.

instruments of destruction unedited

I talk to them and tell them, "Look, you don't want your friend down the street running around with his own assault rifle. I give them some stories from the Jonesboro shootings that make the horror come alive I talk to them about the case studies that is in my article, 'The Wesley Shaeffer Case', in South Carolina and the way this becomes conditioned. The teachers will say, "That is the first standing ovation we have ever seen them give." What I do is outline to the kids, the tremendous manipulative process that is in play here, the toxic substance. On occasion, on a fairly steady basis, we get standing ovations from High Schools and Junior High Schools. Grossman: I do speaking to High Schools and Junior High Schools. He is going to explain to us why those games teach our children to be killers. Listen to this very, very carefully because it is related to your life, your neighbor's life, and the lives of young people and old alike, who are involved in dangerous, destructive video games.

#Instruments of destruction unedited how to#

Especially, how to train them to kill another human being. Army officer, who specializes in the training of soldiers. This brings us to an interview that we took part in for international magazine, 'Hinduism Today', with Col. We are planning for the future because the thoughts we have today, make the future tomorrow. We are opening the doors of Cyberspace Ashram to you.

instruments of destruction unedited

An important message for every parent and child. His chilling explanation in this excerpt from an interview with Hinduism Today? That video games teach children to kill in exactly the same way that the military teachers soldiers to kill. David Grossman, an expert in violence and the psychology of killing, to talk about violent video games and their effect on children.

Instruments of destruction unedited